It is advised that everyone takes their time to set up their stream appropriately in order to show their professionalism. To stay up to date with Annie, follow her on social media: Whenever anything exciting happens, she makes sure to post the highlights on her Youtube channel. She streams full-time on Twitch, often stuck farming something hard to obtain in World of Warcraft. Annie is known as an avid collector, whether it be about achievements, mounts, pets or anything else. Make sure to follow us at /Wowhead so you don't miss out on this!ĪnnieFuchsia is a Twitch partner and host of Wowhead Weekly. We’ll also be doing a special stream with AnnieFuchsia on Wowhead Weekly, Thursday August 2nd at 1 pacific, with a segment brought to you by Elgato on various stream tips that have helped her with the show. To stay up to date with Xaryu, follow him on social media: He is known to post a lot of guides and informative on his Youtube channel, and apart from his love for PvP and World of Warcraft in general, he is very passionate about fitness which he posts about on Instagram regularly. He is most famous for his hardcore approach to PvP and is indubitably one of the best mage players you will encounter. Josh "Xaryulol" Lujan is a Twitch Partner and member of Method. To stay up to date with Sco, follow him on social media: Sco usually posts stream highlights, irl recordings, guides and raid/dungeon clear videos, and has some bodybuilding material posted as well. Considering Sco is one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to tanking specializations, he has posted several videos/guides discussing topics regarding tanking, as well as rating the best tanks for expansions and patches. He is a full-time streamer on Twitch and mainly focuses on PvE elements of the game. In addition, he is the Guild Master of one of the most accomplished and famous Guilds in World of Warcraft, Method on Tarren Mill-EU. Scott "Sco" McMillan is a Twitch Partner, Founder and Co-Owner of Method. We’ve also teamed up with some full-time streamers who enjoy playing WoW, so they can share their top picks and info! In this post, we’ve teamed up with Elgato to go over some tips and tricks for players looking to start streaming, with an emphasis on World of Warcraft. Growing your stream can even quality you for Affiliate or Partner status for additional payments, emotes, and other perks. Streaming is a great way to share your passion for gaming with others and meet new friends. A new expansion and all the content it brings is also the perfect time to take your hobby to the next level and get into streaming! With the Battle for Azeroth expansion launching on August 14th, many players are returning to WoW.